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Amazonite Generator

Stunningly vibrant Amazonite Generator with flashes on multiple faces. 130g. 2.5 inches tall.

KAlSi3O8 plus Pb

6-6.5 Mohs Scale

Heart/Throat Chakras

Amazonite is said to alleviate stress, encourage communication and resolve conflict. It can release the mindset of victimhood and inspire one to speak up for themselves. It allows us to nurture our voice and use it to strengthen our self worth and empowerment. It reminds us that we determine our own worth rather than allowing others to determine it for us.

Working with generators...

A tower, generator or obelisk sends energy in a single direction. Up. They are very efficient at "broadcasting" energy and can often be found at the center of a healing grid meant to be amplified on a larger scale. Towers can be used to send healing outwards to the planet or to a further distance than a sphere would. But you can also use it to protect your home and keep that energy flowing where you need it to.

Regular price $39.00 USD
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